
Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified by means of that data. Identification can be by the information alone, or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession, or that which is likely to come into such possession. The processing of this personal data is now governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is in force from 25th May 2018.

Who are we?

Network Suffolk is a registered charity (Charity No.1159013) which is committed to enabling the unity of the entire Christian community across the region, by providing a place to share stories and information. See our ‘About Us’ page.

How do we process your personal date?

Network Suffolk complies with its obligations under the GDPR by keeping all personal information up to date; by storing it and deleting it securely; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure, and also by ensuring that we have suitable technical measures in place to protect personal data from outside parties.

We use your personal data for the following purposes only;

  • To contact you if you are a member of our website to keep you updated and informed of the latest news, stories, activities, services, and events within the Christian community of our region and sometimes beyond.
  • To administer our membership of the Network Suffolk website.
  • To contact you to invite you engage with the website in submitting stories, news items, events and other materials for publication on Network Suffolk.
  • To raise funds for the expenses involved in running the website by contacting Christian organisations and businesses who we think may be interested in purchasing advertising space on the website.
  • To manage those who help with the development, maintenance, technicalities, and day to day postings of material to the website.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated by Network Suffolk as strictly confidential and it will not be shared with third parties, nor any other members of the website. It will only be used by us to facilitate us contacting you with regard to the day to day running of the website, its features, and its future development.

However, your posting of your contact details on the website, or the submission of these in the text of events, stories and news items and other material,for publication on the website, namely: names, postal addresses, email addresses, facsimile numbers, telephone numbers, mobile numbers, social media identification, or any other personal data which relates to and may identify you as an individual, indicates an acceptance by you for these means of identification and contact to be used and published on Network Suffolk.

If you post any other person’s names, addresses, or any other contact details on the website, or submit these in the text of directories listings, events, stories and news items and any other material for publication on the website, which could identify an individual, then you must obtain their permission beforehand to use such information. It is a condition of use of the Network Suffolk website that you abide by these conditions at all times. Your initial connection to the website and your continued use of it is an acceptance of these terms and conditions, and you are personally liable for any breach of them.

How long do we keep your personal contact data ?

We keep such information as long as it is relevant, current, and required to be able to contact you, or until such time as you make a request for its removal by us, and receive a confirmation from us that the data requested for removal has been removed from our records.

Your rights and your personal data

You have the right to request details of the data Network Suffolk holds about you at any time. You have the right to request that Network Suffolk corrects any personal data which is found to be inaccurate or out of date. You have the right to request your personal data to be removed from Network Suffolk’s records at any time. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the ‘Information Commissioner’s Office’.

Contact details

To exercise relevant rights please contact us in the first place by emailing the Network Suffolk editor – [email protected]. You can contact the ‘Information Commissioner’s Office’ on 0303 123 1113 or via email – or at the ‘Information Commission’s Office’. Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.